Discovered Atlas Shrugged three years ago. Found it incredible.
Discovered Fountainhead three days ago. Wish I hadn’t.
What’s the worst crime you’ve committed? Today? Yesterday? This week? This year? In your entire life??
I refuse to believe that there can exist even a single individual who’s never done anything wrong. A simple justification (which works for most questions, on most subjects)- Theory of Relativity. What your Mom thinks is a crime, might strike you as just an ordinary event, and what strikes you as blatant treachery by a “friend” might honestly not seem like one to him…
So what of it? Punishing yourself for a wrong… when a wrong never puts another wrong right…Amused by the pain? Testing for your Ultimate Yield Strength? Declaring your integrity?
Self inflicted torture is the purest form of abasement.
Discovered Fountainhead three days ago. Wish I hadn’t.
What’s the worst crime you’ve committed? Today? Yesterday? This week? This year? In your entire life??
I refuse to believe that there can exist even a single individual who’s never done anything wrong. A simple justification (which works for most questions, on most subjects)- Theory of Relativity. What your Mom thinks is a crime, might strike you as just an ordinary event, and what strikes you as blatant treachery by a “friend” might honestly not seem like one to him…
So what of it? Punishing yourself for a wrong… when a wrong never puts another wrong right…Amused by the pain? Testing for your Ultimate Yield Strength? Declaring your integrity?
Self inflicted torture is the purest form of abasement.
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