Saturday, February 04, 2006


Discovered Atlas Shrugged three years ago. Found it incredible.
Discovered Fountainhead three days ago. Wish I hadn’t.

What’s the worst crime you’ve committed? Today? Yesterday? This week? This year? In your entire life??
I refuse to believe that there can exist even a single individual who’s never done anything wrong. A simple justification (which works for most questions, on most subjects)- Theory of Relativity. What your Mom thinks is a crime, might strike you as just an ordinary event, and what strikes you as blatant treachery by a “friend” might honestly not seem like one to him…

So what of it? Punishing yourself for a wrong… when a wrong never puts another wrong right…Amused by the pain? Testing for your Ultimate Yield Strength? Declaring your integrity?

Self inflicted torture is the purest form of abasement.